Paper: Houston Chronicle
Date: THU 09/25/03
Section: ThisWeek
Page: 5
Edition: 2 STAR
Trammell Crow opens Alexan Lofts / FormerMeyers-SpalitManufacturing building set to receive TexasHistorical Commission designation
As the city ages and grows, the preservation of Houston's colossalstructures has gone into high gear. Preservationists concur that the removal ofclassic buildings to make way for newer ones is causing the city's past toslowly wither away.
On the east side, just outside downtown, Trammell Crow Residentialis completing a major redevelopment project - the Alexan Lofts at 2115 Runnels- that it will unveil with a ceremony and grand opening today.
Trammell Crow has created 244 loft residences for lease in theproject, near Jensen Drive and about two blocks from U.S. 59. The project isabout five blocks from Minute Maid Park.
During the ceremony, the former Meyers-Spalit Manufacturing Plantwill receive the official Texas Historical Marker designation from the TexasHistorical Commission.
"The official Texas Historical Marker provides awareness tothe community of the building's fascinating history and architecturalstyles," said Scott C. Wise, Senior Managing Director of Trammel CrowResidential. "We are excited that the historical commission has recognizedthis wonderful building's place in Houston's early history and growth."
Following its time as a manufacturing plant, the building servedas a Hispanic-themed retail center. However, that concept fell through and thestructure lay dormant and in decay.
In 1997, local developer Alan Atkinson purchased the property,which had been severely vandalized. Atkinson renamed the project the Americasand sold it to Trammell Crow in December 2001.
The Alexan Lofts is made up of six adjoining buildings builtbetween 1880 and 1928. The lofts will be open for tours from 3 to 4 p.m. andagain from 5 to 7 p.m.